Welcome and thank you for visiting Ainscough Strategic Land’s consultation website, which sets out our proposals for Land West of Wolvershill Road, part of the new settlement at Wolvershill, Banwell.
Wolvershill, Banwell
View of Site
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North Somerset Council (NSC) is proposing a new settlement at Wolvershill, Banwell as part of its emerging Local Plan (Policy LP1: Strategic Location: Wolvershill), supported by the new Banwell Bypass. This allocation of land for new housing and infrastructure has been envisaged since the early Local Plan inception and consulted on since 2020, and we are pleased to now present our ideas for our element of the site.
The majority of land within the new settlement is controlled by Ainscough Strategic Land (ASL), Bloor Homes and Wain Estates. The three developers have been working together for a number of years to develop a coordinated framework and vision for the whole site, and more information on our joint masterplan can be found here.
Each developer will be submitting a separate planning application for the land it controls, but it will be in the context of this shared masterplan and associated design principles.
ASL Site Boundary within wider Allocation
Click on the above image to view a larger version
ASL controls the central part of the site, to the West of Wolvershill Road, which sits at the heart of the new Wolvershill settlement (marked in blue on the adjacent map). We are proposing the following:
Up to 600 new homes
A new primary school
A mixed-use local centre
Extensive landscaping, including play areas
A community park with potential for sports pitches
We have launched this website to provide more information on our proposals and to seek feedback from the local community to help shape the proposals ahead of submitting a planning application to NSC later this year.
The consultation has now closed.
Thank you for sharing your comments and questions with us. You can still contact us via email at: wolvershill-asl@lichfields.uk
Ainscough Strategic Land (ASL) is a family-owned land promoter who specialise in the delivery of large-scale residential and mixed-use schemes. We promote and prepare development schemes for a range of sites to feed into the housebuilding and industrial sectors.
Those sites are both sustainably located and deliverable so they can be built out quickly and efficiently, contributing much needed new housing and employment opportunities in this country.